The Magic of God/The Universe

February 20, 2024

I have a fun, cute story to share with you on the magic of The Universe/God and changing the energy connected with something through new intentions…

Back in January I did a yard sale (as some context, I sell other people’s stuff so I’m not personally attached to the things I receive and sell), where a framed, vintage western picture made it into the sale.

I was initially just excited tot sell it, but, as the day rolled on, my mom began to paint a picture of using it to decorate our mantle with a winter western theme.

We decided we’d do that if it didn’t sell.

As the day rolled on, a few people asked about it, but no takers.

I began to think it wasn’t going to sell and started becoming attached to the vision my mom has painted…but I didn’t remove it from the sale.

Then, as I was packing up, a car pulled in and a woman got out who had her sights set on the picture (she must have been at the sale earlier).

Since it was still sitting in the sale, I couldn’t not sell it to her. 


The Power of Your Decision

September 26, 2023

The quickest way to INSTANTLY shift fear, doubt & worry is quite simply…

To DECIDE to move through it.

The Power to Decide is your (often hidden) Superpower!

We feel stuck because we haven’t DECIDED to unstick ourselves.

We believe in doubt because we haven’t DECIDED we’re bigger than our fear, doubt and worry.And in that LACK of DECISION we suffer through consequences of believing we’re at the mercy these thoughts. 

So we stay stuck in a life that falls short of fully aligning with and pursuing the desires of our hearts. 

But once we recognize our own Power to Decide, things begin to change. 

We create momentum in a new (aligned) direction.

Our Confidence rises (which also begins with a DECISION to be confident).

And then experiences begin to match this new energy. 

Which further supports the Power of our Decision & Confidence. 

The energy we ALIGN with, EMBODY & EXUDE  is what creates our reality. 

Doubt creates experiences based in doubt. 

And confidence creates experiences based in confidence. 

Things change when we shift the energy we’re aligning with, embodying & exuding.

And that power is in your hands …


Empowerment Is A Choice

May 16, 2023

Have you ever come across something that just stops you in your tracks and instantly changes how you see things?

Years ago I was scrolling through my newsfeed when I saw Amanda Frances post to following simple, yet profound statement:

Confidence is a choice. 

I’d never thought of it that way. 

It seemed like something you either had or you didn’t have. 

You’d either gained confidence through your life experiences or you hadn’t (which is quite a limiting perspective to come from).

Seeing it as a choice changes things. 

It empowers you to choose it, whether you have a history of feeling it or not.

It empowers you to take control of the energy you embody and exude by consciously stepping into the energetic qualities you desire to feel and express. 

It empowers you to look at and shift whatever is keeping you from choosing your desired internal state (in this case, confidence) so you can embody it.

We’re NEVER at the mercy of a disempowered state. 

It may feel like it, but that’s often because we haven’t learned to see where choice exists in, well, all.of.our.choices

Which is the entire point of …


Manifesting From Gratitude

November 22, 2022

I love showing up here, sharing my heart and wisdom with you each week, which, of course, wouldn’t be possible if YOU weren’t here to connect with! 

So THANK YOU for being a part of this journey to collectively awaken into more love and light.Gratitude should ideally be a theme all year long but I love how Thanksgiving always brings it to the forefront of our minds.The simple act of practicing gratitude is powerful…

It can help us feel good in an instant since it has the power to shift our energy and attention from what is missing or wrong in our lives to focusing on what is already good and right in our lives.The things that are already good and right in our lives are always overlooked when we’re focusing on what’s missing.But by simply shifting our focus to to what is already good and right in our lives, we instantly shift our vibration from feeling a sense of lack to feeling a sense of inner and outer overflow.Our “problems” go from feeling magnified in our awareness to being greatly minimized.They move from feeling overwhelming to manageable, or maybe even no longer present in our awareness.