Let Your Soul Lead The Way

October 12, 2016

I’ve concluded that I used to focus on ego too much.

So I’ve changed my approach.

Instead of being on the hunt for all the ways ego can rear its ugly head, I choose to focus on all the ways that my soul wants to expand.

While holding the knowing that I can deal with any ego effect that arises.

I believe it’s a better way to focus our energy and attention.

Since, as the saying goes, ‘what you focus on expands’.

Looking back, I can see that I was so hyper-focused on how ego works that it was as if I was this mini me standing in the cave of myself shining a flashlight on all the ways ego was (and could) show up.

It’s important to notice how it is showing up but it’s not always constructive to look for how it could show up.

That tends to be looking for more than is necessary for us to be dealing with at that particular juncture in our journey.

I was focusing on both because I knew resolving all aspects of it is a primary goal in our spiritual journey.

But the problem with this approach is it can be quite overwhelming.

And stifling.

And, ultimately, unnecessary.

Especially if it’s not conducive to moving forward.

The better approach is to focus on where and how your soul wants to expand and to trust that you can handle and heal the exact aspects of ego that show up as you pursue bringing the desires of your heart to life.

You don’t have to take on elements of ego that haven’t yet been revealed to you.

And it doesn’t matter if they’re dormant in you. You’ll deal with them in their proper time.

I still believe that having an understanding of how ego works is tremendously helpful.

But it no longer needs to be the focal point.

Instead, this understanding can sit in the background like a tool that we pull from our toolkit when needed.

Always Shine Brightly,


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