Our Learning Devices are Meant to Bring Us Together…

December 3, 2013
Oneness + Shifting out of Ego and Into Spirit

I finally have a shorter video for you this week—it’s in the five minute range, which is what I’ve been hoping for every time, but I just haven’t been able to pull it off (until now!). Oh, and in my hurry to finish, I got up to turn the camera off before I was done with my last sentence, so don’t be surprised when you see an ultra close-up of my face on the final frame (I’ll work on that, too)!

My intention with this week’s post is meant to gently (though I do excitedly snap my fingers at one point in the video!) remind us to be mindful of when ego sneaks in and uses our learning devices (books, teachers, religions, etc.) to create separation when they’re meant to move us towards oneness.

Leave it to ego to make a mess of the exact things that are intended to bring us together…ego is definitely going on the naughty list for this (okay, so ego probably lives there full-time!)! 😉

(I tend to talk with my hands a lot as perfectly captured in this week’s thumbnail!)

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Peace, Love & Joy,


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